Carter-Edwards, Ed
Born 2 April 1923
Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 21
Died 22 February 2017 in Grimsby, Ontario, age 94
Service: Royal Canadian Air Force
Service ID: J86736
Service Rank: Flight Sergeant [Pilot Officer?]
Duties: Radioman [Wireless Air Gunner]
Air Group: 427 Squadron
Airbase: Leeming, North Yorkshire UK
Aircraft: Halifax bomber LV987
Date shot down: 8 June 1944
Fate of crew: 1 captured immediately, 6 evaded; one of those captured (Carter-Edwards)
Evasion summary: Landed NW of Paris, sheltered locally. Went into Paris, stayed at a hotel and met other airmen.
Date captured: 8 July 1944
Capture summary: Arrested with COWAN, STEWART, and an RAAF airman at a Paris road block.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar #1 or #2
Buchenwald ID: 78361
Notes on Buchenwald internment: Hospitalized for pneumonia and pleurisy, then sent to work on a railroad line. Missed evacuation to SLIII, followed later.
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III, East Compound
Kriege ID: 8929
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Marlag und Milag Nord
Notes on internment: Assigned to Block 3. Not on list of POWs marched to Lubek, but that list is very incomplete, containing a few hundred names out of 3000 on the march.
Liberation: Those at Lubek were freed by the British Guards Armored Division on 27 April 1945. Those remaining at Marlag-Milag were liberated by the British 2nd Army on 2 May 1945, and airlifted to the UK by 15 May 1945.
Repatriation from ETO:
Veteran status:
Notes on Post-War period: Interviewed in the 1994 NFBC documentary, Buchenwald: The Lucky Ones.